Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Best Year Yet.

I'm reading an awful lot about making 2016 the

Best Year Ever!!

 letting go of old crap that no longer serves you, getting healthy, getting fit, sharing love, Fully participating and being present in life.

I woke up this morning and decided that I simply want to live my life from a place of love <3 If all my actions come from this Seat of Love, I know that I have done my very best! Whatever this means to you, my friends, I honour your desire to change, to improve, to harness ... and most importantly to take the first step, because everything that follows after you take this crucial step is carried forward with a kind of momentum that you don't expect.

When you live without expectation of reward and praise, you open your heart up to the possibilities of self-healing, and you finally are able to say "I DID this. I AM amazing!" I know that I repeat this theme a lot, but for me to say this out loud in this public forum, I continually reach out to the world and continue to spread love, light and possibility to those who have agreed with me, but still seem to be waiting on the sideline.

Stop pretending that you're a wallflower, darling. We are all meant to Shine, to sparkle, to become the very best version that we can be. A version that the ghosts of our old selves will be so incredibly proud of. And when you are approaching the reward of self-love, you will want your old self to grab your hand - you will want to bring this version with you. And she won't be able to ... because at that point in time, she will slowly begin to fade away ... And the transformation will be complete.

I wish you the best year yet. I wish you love. I wish you peace. I wish you joy, and celebration, and the satisfaction that comes with a consistent practice that feeds your soul.

Happy New Year!
Namaste, Nicole

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